Contact Head Office

For over 50 years, as an innovative engineering service provider, we have been providing comprehensive, practical solutions for challenging new structures as well as for the maintenance of existing structures. As consultants, structural designers, structural check engineers and independent experts, we are your partners for all projects in bridge, tunnel and building construction, as well as for underground engineered structures.

Büchting + Streit AG | B + S Prüfingenieure GbR | B + S International GmbH

Gunzenlehstraße 22 ‐ 24
D 80689 München
Tel +49 (0)89 546 150 0
Fax +49 (0)89 546 150 10
E‐Mail: info@buechting‐

Directions PDF

Here you will find our current vacancies

Kontakt D Nürnberg Office

Büchting + Streit AG | B + S International GmbH

Gutenstetter Str. 2a
90449 Nürnberg
Tel +49 (0)911 660 750 0
Fax +49 (0)89 546 150 10
E‐Mail: info(at)buechting‐

Contact Friedberg Office

For over 50 years, as an innovative engineering service provider, we have been providing comprehensive, practical solutions for challenging new structures as well as for the maintenance of existing structures. As consultants, structural designers, structural check engineers and independent experts, we are your partners for all projects in bridge, tunnel and building construction, as well as for underground engineered structures.

Büchting + Streit AG | B + S Prüfingenieure GbR

Bauernbräustraße 4
D 86316 Friedberg
Tel +49 (0)89 546 150 0
Fax +49 (0)89 546 150 10
E‐Mail: info@buechting‐